So tuesday night I went to walmart to pick up new movies. I got Serenity, Brothers Grimm, Puddle Cruiser, and an anime film titled Samauri 7.
First off the checkout lines are insane. Every idiot and his stupid wife are there. So I decide to take a risk and hop into one of the self check lines. After about 20 minutes I'm next in line behind a guy buying 1 windshield wiper. This duche bag has Idiot written al over him, from his bad nascar patched bomber leather coat down to his Jeff Gordon wanna be crew cut and mustache.
He ring up the wiper blade, 3.78. The machine does some calculating and produces a final price.
He puts in 2 dollars. The third dollar won't go in because its a torn wrinkled peice of trash.
He flips it over and trys again, no go.
One more try and he puts that dollar away and gets out a new bill. This one goes in.
We wait.
We wait some more.
The computer screen says "Owed 1.10"
Finally he puts another dollar in.
"Owed 0.10"
We wait
We wait
We wait
Me: "I think you need to put in another 10 cents"
We wait
We wait
In the crazy spirit of giving and all that jazz, I take out my wallet and fish out a dime.
Me: "Here"
He just stares at me for a moment. Then he takes the dime.
Him: "Thanks"
He puts the dime in his pocket and walks away from the machine to one of the clerks.
Him: "That machine isn't working right"
The clerk comes over and looks at the machine and tells the man he has to deposit 10 cents.
Him: But these said 3.87
I guess he has never heard of Tax.
Fianlly, dime comes back out of pocket and goes into machine. It spits out a receit. He leaves.
I begin scanning movies and rubbing them on the counter to shut off the magnetic alarm triggering strip.
Lady behind me: "DO you have to run all of those on the counter"
Me: "Yes I don't want to set off the alarm."
I scan number two and begin to rub.
Lady behind me: "DO you have to run all of those on the counter"
I ignore her and scan number three and begin to rub.
Lady behind me: "DO you have to run all of those on the counter"
Me: "Yes"
She shuts up. I finish number four and am out of walmart.
All I can say is thank the governing officials of Ct and the US for passing that 7 day waiting period on handguns.
Man do I hate stupid people.