Well today started out just peachy, got pulled over on the way to work today. I think the cops were just checking up on me because he didn't have much of a reason, said it was because my registration sticker was out of date. What do we pay these schmoes for any, to go around checkign stickers? Go find some real crime to stop, bloody civil servant pupets.
Well Also I got a call last night from a place I had sent a resume to asking me if I could do an in person interview today. Huh??? I've had some problems with these peeps in the past which resulted in the below peice.
If you would like to have me or some one like me work for you here are some hints.
1. If you schedual a phone interview with me, actually call me durring that time.
2. If you don't call me durring that time, call me later in the day and apologise.
3. If you don't call me later in the day, don't cal me 2 days later, then blame you not calling me on me not being at my desk.
A. I was at my desk for most of the day and for 30 minuites around the time the interview was supposed to take place
B. I have a cell phone where I can be reached no matter where I am
C. I have voice mail or an answering maching hooked up to every phone line I have. Leave a message.
D. I also have caller ID on 2 of my lines which show me if you call me and I'm not there.
4. If you want me to come to your place of business for an in person interview schedual an appointment at least a week in advance
5. If you can't do it a full week at least give me a few days to let my boss know and to make sure I don't have any experiments running.
6. If you can't do that do not call me the night before and say you want an interview tomorow.
7. If you want me to interview for you please provide me with
A. Directions to your place of business
B. Some sort of interview schedual
8. Do not give me nothing and just figure I can find my way there, even thought I probably can its not polite.
Well thats enough bitching for now.
Oh and Crankenstien lives. I know you all thought she was dead and gone burned on the Midol cross, but she hath risen again and far before her time. No amount of power pills will destroy her this time. the mighty Bengay had no effect. I may have to adjourn for a few days until this storm passes over.