Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Today had an interesting start, well maybe not start. I had another exciting weak day at the gym, then got scammed over on breakfast again. On the way back from the microlab I decided to take the elevator. Just as the doors were about to close, the little blonde cuttie stepped in. As the rubbery clack of the doors comming to a close sounded she pushed me up against the back wall and firmly planted her lips against mine. The shock of it threw me for a second, but her smoltering wet desire pulled me in or maybe that was her hand on my ass. The doors came open again and she pulled back and was gone before I even had the chance to ask her what her name was.

Now I'm being told that never actually happened. Also my office mate added I really shouldn't read out loud as I type. The nerve of some people.

Odd dreams again last night but not sure what they were. I really need to start getting up when the first alarm goes off.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

well its another exciting wensday, I'm beat and I don't even realy know why. Today has been a do nothing day at work. I was able to prep my D&D adventure for this week though, had to scrap the book as it was just crap. I don't know what they pay these people to write adventures, but its way too much. Every book adventure I've seen is a dungeon filled with levels of random monsters, who if they were all actually placed there would have killed each other off long ago. Also they always have a bunch of stupid "while you are search the place, this other group of random creatures just happens to be doing the exact thing" ugh. Well it makes sence now and unfortunatly one of my friends won't be at the game so he will miss out on the critters possibly only he would know, oh well again.

I'm getting a bit nervous about going to school. Not the actually classes and al that mind you but the change in life style. I'll be getting about half of what I make now and what I make now tends to go fast. I've lived on a tight budget before and its not easy, especially when you're someone who spends to make himself feel better when things go bad. When your problem is you don't have enough money this is a big issue.

My job has come to a point of making littleto no sence again. why is it that when ever I'm put onto small molecule work its all stupid stuff. At least I can say for sure I won't miss this job. The money and some of the people yes the work and the rest of the people, hell no.

I had some sort of crazy dream last night but don't remember much of it now. I know it had something to do with writing out my D&D adventure and then kicking someone's ass.

Monday, April 26, 2004

Well me mind has settled some since I last wrote.
This weekend was a crazy one. I was back in a church for the first time in about 4 years, didn't take long to realize I don't miss it at all. This was another forced entrance for a wedding I had little recource but to go to. At least the preacher guy kept things moving and we were out of there before I tapped into the darkness inherant to all places of worship. One thing I did take a few moments to notice were the scroll hangings they had spaced around the building. There were four to be precise. Of them three made some sence, there was one with a fish that said some thing about fisher or life, one with a dove that was prince of peace, one with a hmm, don't remember but it made sence. then there was the "king of heaven" one with a picture of a donkey. Now this just makes no sence, unless you are trying to say your god is an ass.
Anyway I'm glad its over and hopefully it will be some time before I'm forced to go back into a church again.

Good news today, I got a message that I have been accepted to school and the aceptance is in the mail. This is kind of funny because I had just finished talking myself out of going and taking another year to prep. Now I only have a few months to pull together what ever savings I have (which isn't all that much) and pay of any major depts I have (also not too many) to have me ready to stop working at the end of summer and become a poor person.

Friday, April 23, 2004

All reading, stop now, below is a delve into into desolate despiration, words can not solve all that is worded. And so we burn.
Raise, raise, raise the fire
another verse goes on the pire.
While the lonely lone desire
The heart beats on and never tire

burn burn burn
one week tomorow, one week of sorrow
so flowers bloom, all live in gloom
A shooting star can only shoot so far
Then we all fall down

What is it about marrage that people like so much? A forever committment funny word that forever is there is a for and there is an ever, its one of the few words thats the same together as it is apart. Unlike together which is to get her, funny how these words are connected with marrage, forever together, for ever trying to get her.

I feel a good ramble comming on but its time to head home.

Peace be to all who want it. Close your eyes maybe things will be better when they next open.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

This mornign I had another vision:
I was with a group of people at a bank or some other sort of business place with lines. It had sort of an office building sort of feel to it. I was standing in line with my special sweetie when all of a sudden a group of heavily armed terrorists bust in and start ordering people around. They were eithor of arabian or mexican decent. They made every one lie down and covered them with their guns. Fortunatly they were fairly spreadout and not being that observant. I don't remember them asking for anything or maybe some one asked what they wanted and they didn't say. For some reason I was let go out to me automobile where I keep certain defensive devices. I palmed a throwing knife under left sleeve of my suit coat (not sure why I was wearing a suit). Then I aproached one of the Terrorists who had 2 mac10s. I placed mu hands together to slip the knife into right hand blade down, the drew it out and took out the terrorist with a stab to the throat. I appropriated his weapons and got ready to kick ass when the alarm went off, waking me up.

I don't know if this dream meant anything, probably that I shouldn't eat Taco Bell before going to bed.

Even so I urge you all to take care in dealing with mexicans or arabians in the near future.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Well this was one freaky gym morning. I got in a bit late. It was the exciting day of legs and shoulders. I gaught a glimpse of a new blond gal as I dropped off my vest. I got a better look at her when I met up with my partner to start doing military press. Dude she was freaky! First off she had kind of a flat square face that had that sort of walked into a board attractiveness. Some people say the lesser lookers out there were beaten with an ugly stick, this chick looks like it was more of a 2x4.
So she is working out near us and fairly distracting when she pulls up her shirt some and she has a full 6 pack abs, like the guys on the 6 minuite abs comercials (the guys not the girls). Then she starts doing bicep curls and not only does she have a huge muscle poping out but a big nasty vein too.
All in all I can only hope she was getting some sort of injections in her progressssion of joining the male species.
I'm all for toned up chicks, but those muscle gals *flex* yikes!!!

so ladies cut down on the roids

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

This weekend was decent. Got the grouting on my kitchen done. I have also sucessfully painted every Fantasy miniature I own and for those of you who know me thats quite an accomplishment. Most fo the rest of the weekend was spent in recruipatation from a long and annoying week.

I did have a few visions. In dream state I saw BZ getting it on with another femfatale freind of mine. I'll spare you all the details as not to embarase anyone, but let me say I've seen plenty of porn films with less action. And my dreams seem to be a lot of close up shots and good camera angles. Also they are always in full color. I only wish I could record them.

I ran my game on friday. It seems to be going well, thoguht I'm hating the adventure I chose to run. I don't know why wizards dosen't see able to write a decent fantasy adventure thats not set up for pure hack and slash. Basically what I was hoping for a brain rest is going to become a burden again as I will have to rewrite most of what they have.

Thats about all I have to say now, and again Wow what a dream:)

Friday, April 16, 2004

Well today started out just peachy, got pulled over on the way to work today. I think the cops were just checking up on me because he didn't have much of a reason, said it was because my registration sticker was out of date. What do we pay these schmoes for any, to go around checkign stickers? Go find some real crime to stop, bloody civil servant pupets.

Well Also I got a call last night from a place I had sent a resume to asking me if I could do an in person interview today. Huh??? I've had some problems with these peeps in the past which resulted in the below peice.

If you would like to have me or some one like me work for you here are some hints.

1. If you schedual a phone interview with me, actually call me durring that time.
2. If you don't call me durring that time, call me later in the day and apologise.
3. If you don't call me later in the day, don't cal me 2 days later, then blame you not calling me on me not being at my desk.
A. I was at my desk for most of the day and for 30 minuites around the time the interview was supposed to take place
B. I have a cell phone where I can be reached no matter where I am
C. I have voice mail or an answering maching hooked up to every phone line I have. Leave a message.
D. I also have caller ID on 2 of my lines which show me if you call me and I'm not there.
4. If you want me to come to your place of business for an in person interview schedual an appointment at least a week in advance
5. If you can't do it a full week at least give me a few days to let my boss know and to make sure I don't have any experiments running.
6. If you can't do that do not call me the night before and say you want an interview tomorow.
7. If you want me to interview for you please provide me with
A. Directions to your place of business
B. Some sort of interview schedual
8. Do not give me nothing and just figure I can find my way there, even thought I probably can its not polite.

Well thats enough bitching for now.

Oh and Crankenstien lives. I know you all thought she was dead and gone burned on the Midol cross, but she hath risen again and far before her time. No amount of power pills will destroy her this time. the mighty Bengay had no effect. I may have to adjourn for a few days until this storm passes over.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Woke up tired today, but finished the floor last night, the pressure tile went down well. Now if anyone enters my kitchen when the plates are on they are going to see what its like to eat a jar full of roofing nails packed with thermite.

My alergys seem to be flairing up. I have a feeling the USDA releases large amounts of tiny spy cameras every year around this time which cause an alergic reaction in me. these spy cameras are meant to be ingested then stick in your stomache to observe how much beef you eat each day. this way they know how much canadien cattle they have to buy to keep america feeling like we have a large beef industry. The battery life for these cameras seems to last about 1 year which is why they always need to replace them.

This weekend I will begin work on a webzine, in which all my dirtiest secrets shall be revealed..


Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Well first things first, I have another story up at

so check it out and please leave feedback.

Secondly I had a most imensive vision last night. I saw myself and BZ buying a cabin up in northern maine. The odd thing is the previous owners had just died and all their crap was still in the cabin including 5 dogs of various mutt like breeds. The dream was mostly about going through the cabin and checiing out the rooms which mostly had horrid pastel colored furnature and hideous wall paper. We spent one night in the cabin in the bed that was there without changing the sheets (yuck). then we got up and began to throw stuff out. I remember cleaning out the spice rack for some reason and besides the normal spices there was weird stuff there like jello shots in petri dishes and a giant lollipop that was half eaten.

Thats about where the vision ended.

I give a special warning about pasten colors and spices today.

Monday, April 12, 2004

This was an exciting weekend. I returned home friday to find dogie had decided it was time I remodled the kitchen and had chewed up a big chunk of the floor. The rest of my weekend was spent demolishing the rest fo the floor and laying the ground work to build a new one. this one will have the secret trap door I wanted that sends people into the death chamber in the bacement dungeon. I highly recomend everyone getting one.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

I've been getting a lot f those "get to know you" sorts of emails lately. you know the ones, here are 50 some odd mundane questions about your life that no one who gets this really cares about. SO I've decided to make up some questions that people will actually care about. Feel free to send them out if you know of people you really want to get to know, just let them know where you got them.

1. If you got into a fist fight with a monkey, who would win?

2. You're about to get into a whip cream fight with your signifigant other, whats the most suitable attire?

3. Whats the best place to get kissed?

4. How can you tell if your boy/girl/best friend is a secret government spy?

5. How many bannannas do you think you could fit in your mouth at one time?

6. You're on a plane that crashes in the rockies, how log before you stat wondering how the chubby guy tastes?

7. Do you ever smell people hello?

8. They are going to make a movie about your life, who would you want for your body double for the poster?

9. Ever take silver wear, a dish, or a glass from a resturant?

10. What color underwear am I wearing right now?

well today has just started off exciting.
first off it was a night of visions and insanity.
I dreamt that I was with my friends Ian and Jay and for some reason we were going to visit an old friend of theirs. We get to the house driving a blue station waggon (a vehicle none of us own). the house was more of a shack than a home. It was a small dirty white ranch with chickens in the yard and piled up crates on the sides f the house. We were met be a girl who apparently was the sister of who we were comming to see. She told us her brother was in one of his moods and we should go in. The inside of the house was filthy as well, with bugs crawling al over the walls and dead bugs stuck in ever crack available, covering the lights, in some sort of mesh looking fence, very gross.
The friend turned out to be some "special" man who was quite a few cookies shy of a jar. And those were peanut butter cookies with extra nuts. He was very dirty and had a sort of lag in his speach. for some reason we were trying to get him to play games with us or something but instead he attacked me with a knife. I ran away trying to find a place to hide in the house and finally found the door out.
Outside I found myself in the back yard. There was a big pile of parrels on their sides. The crazy guy follows me out and starts trying to knife me again. Then the sister comes out and tells him he has to stop or she will dump his beer. She then proceeds to smack open on of the barrels and some liquid I assumed to be beer comes pouring out. The guy stops comming after me and starts crying about the beer.
Thats where I woke up. I'm not entirly sure what to make of it yet, but we'll see.
Besides that I lost my keys this morning and its driving me nuts. I'm usually a person of habbit. get home, disarm the security system, neutralize the attack dogs, put my keys on the counter or bar. both places were empty and I can't for the life of me remember where they went to. Probably some sort of gremlins or microdemons. Darn dog should take care of them.

Well I should go reason for a while. tootles to all that know.

Todays warning toothpaste is the government's new spy tool. They put super small microphones in it that get on your teeth so they can listen in to all of your conversations for that day. I have here by quit brushing my teeth and I recomend you all do the same.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Who will you be stuck with at end of time? by chi_a_baidh
Your name is
Your sex is
Your favorite color is
You are stuck there becauseyou murdered everyone else
For _____ years95
He/She will think you arelazy
You willrepopulate the earth
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

Who will you be stuck with at end of time? by chi_a_baidh
Your name is
Your sex is
Your favorite color is
You are stuck there becausethe penguins saved you
For _____ years49
He/She will think you areclever
You willmake a coconut radio
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!