Its been a few days since I last posted. School work has been nonstop. Things in lab are going well though. I'm only a few experiments away from finishing up the work I'm doing now, whihc will get me a paper. After that I have to decide what I want to work on for the long haul.
There hasn't been much else going on except for school. I tend to get home with just enough time to eat some dinner and hit the sack. This has been a stress on most personal things.
Mental state is slowly getting better. Life hurts less day by day, but it sems like there is always more to say. There probably will always be more to say. Its just silly.
Did you ever watch thos high school sit coms, where Johny finds out Suzie is going to dump him, so he deicdes to do the smart thing and dump her first. So he's a big man for a while and everything is good because he wasn't the dumpee, but then we later find out Suzie wasn't going to dump him. There are lots of hurt feelings all around, but at the end Suzie and Johny make up and get back to gether and everything is happy go lucky again.
It was a lot like that, only with a different ending, we didn't talk for 2 years and she married the first nonoffensive guy she met.
For a long time I was planning some sort of drastic revenge. There is a fine line between genuis and insane that I too often walk. My mind stores semi useless information about people, so if you think I've forgotten about when this or that was said, wrry not I didn't. I have info and photos, and other bits of nastyness that al could make someone's life very miserable. There was always the old standby of a confrontation of sorts.
All of that kind of got pushed to the side.
I don't need to enact any sort of revenge. I have no doubt misery will find her. When you get involved with a rebound person, its always the same. Everything is great in the beginning.
They are so much better than your ex in every way, well maybe ever way but one.
Then you are together for a while and slowly you begin to notice flaws.
Its not a big deal at first, everyone has flaws.
Over time they become more apparent.
Then one day it will just click, you're not really in love with them;infact, they annoy the hell out of you.
But now, you are married and stuck together. IF you are lucky you didn't have kids. If you are really unlucky, you are catholic and there is no turning back.
Her parents were like that. Sleeping in sepearte rooms because they couldn't stand to be with each other. Yelling, fighting, going days without talking to each other, most days they could barly stand to be around one another unless it was schedualed dinner time. Hipocrites. The only reason they are still together and somewhat happier is he got cancer. He had to be dying in order for her to look past his flaws. Epic magnitude needed to shadow a few silly traits.
Marriage shouldn't be like that.
Everyone should get to marry their best friend.
In Love is fleeting.
Partnerships endure.
With a 50% divorce rate in this country this sort of thing hapens a lot.
Makes you wonder.