There has been a new phenomon going around, which stands to crumple what is left of the internet and no I'm not talking about the new bill to restrict internet gambeling.
I'm talking about ghost blogging.
Thats right, you have a blog with your name attached to it, yet it seems that some one else is doing the posting and you are taking credit for it. This is B.S. at its finest. Its bad enough to steal someone else's story or book and claim it to be your own, but a blog is personal. Its your thoughts about the world and all things in it. There is no reason for someone else to be doing your posts, its like you stealing their thoughts and you aren't even getting paid for it. Bloggs are free. Writing there is free for you and free to read. So whats the point.
Well I can tell you for a fact I'm not going to put up with it.
I stand for every post I've written so far (except those I sit down for, which is actually most of them as its hard to type standing up). So I will prove to all of you that every post here is actually written by me, or at least all future posts will be. As proof in every post I'll add in some personal data, about me, that only I would know, that way you will know that I wrote it.
For example today I had some sort of cranberry crunch cereal for breakfast. I eat alone in the AM because no one is awake at that hour in my house...except the pets so I guess they could have seen me and told some one. Hmm.....
I like the colors orange and silver. There.
Hmm, but I guess some one could have guessed that about me due to wardrobe.
Ok, this morning on the ride in I created a way of speaking for the D&D campaign, I like to call "Viking talk" after Eliot Often from the Howard Stern Show. No one else could have known that, unless they know I'm running a Viking campaign and habitually listen to Stern on the ride in or if they bugged my car, which is also a possability. Drat, this is harder that I though.
I guess this may not be me actually writing this. Damn. Stupid Ghost Bloggers.