Today horror happened I was sent the following questions from a writer at It appears government agencies have detected this transmission and are attempting to do RECON on me. They will find them selves in the lion's den.
1. What do you have and what do you want? Be as descriptive as possible for all aspects of your life.
In no particular order. I have stuff: a house, car, electronic wizzbangers up the wazzu, An extensive action figure and comic collection, an impressive amount of edged weapons.
I have love. I have friends. I have a very hyper little dog.
I have health. I have strength of body and mind. I have looks that can take a woman's breath away. I have an increadible Ego and sence of self worth. I have mystical powers and influnce abilities that often appear to be beyond reality. I have extensive bedroom prowise.
I could go on and on.
What I want, this often changes from day to day, but I always seem to want something. To me thats what is really important. If you have all you want, then life is over monotamy has set in. I love all that I am and have and I pretty much want the same only beter.
Currently the big goals are for more education and a better job.
2. You had mentioned to me that at one time you had wanted to be a monk. What made you choose to become a scientist instead and do you feel that you've lost any spirituality in your decision?
lol, I mentioned to you at one time, as in 5 minuites before you wrote this.
For me there is no discrepency between the monk and the scientist. Science is a job, monk is a state of mind. For me to be there is to give up all self wants in life and become pure intelect. To put aside love, friends, posessions, family, I would live only for knowlege and using the knowlege to make the world a better place. I have felt this power within me, but I still fear its use.
I possess a lot of spirituality. I have use of mystical powers. I have seen spirits or ghosts. I speak with spirits from time to time as well and they talk back.
As far as religion I possess none, brought up congregationalist, gave it up in junior high when I found it did nothing for me. Later I realized I just didn't need it. I'd classify myself as athist or humanist now with a bit of pagan thrown in there.
3. If you could have all the answers from the opposite sex, what questions would you ask?
LOL, Actually I do have all the answers. I realize this seems like I am avoiding the question, but people are very easy to figure out. Women are no harder than men. Every action in life has some sort of logic to it. Most people are too caught up in their own logic to see beyond it; hence all the confusion betwen the sexes.
4. Congratulations! You've been elected President. What do you do with your new found power and position?
President is tough, since there are so many checks and balances set up in our system. Any action I want to take has to go through a lot of layers. In any case: (this is going to be long)
I would work to promote what I call american rights.
Freedom of religion: I would work to remove all government sponcered religion, shoot down any bills that procliam this is a christian nation, remove under god from the pledge and in god we trust from the currency.
The government would no longer sponcer marrage, there would only be benefits given to domestic partners. Amount of bennefits would be assigned on the time the people were sharing reasources (house food ect) and the number of people sharing. Marrage in the traditional sence would be left up to the churches.
Abortion would be a non issue. Women should have the right to choose.
Capitol punishment would be brought back.
Most illegal drugs would be legalized and highly regulated. Licences would be required for their production and sale (exemptions for personal use products). People caught producing or selling without a licencewould face strict punishment.
Changes would be made to the legal system, making it more streamlined. There are too many court cases on nonsence issues. Most misdermenaer offences would be done away with as well as a lot of traffic laws.
Promotional tours of "american values" would begin. These wouldn't be preaching uncle sam and apple pie, they would be about what it means to be an american and understand what the constitution means. America is not a Me country, its an us country a togetherness country. That dosen't mean we all get the same or have to want the same things. It means you're different then me and I put up with it. You say things I don't like or don't agree with and I sit back and smile and wait for my turn to speak.
there is probably a lot more but its early and my rant keeps breaking up.
I'd do more with the environment, federal funded science programs, and space exploration too.
5. You've been granted 10 minutes with the deity of your choice. Who is it and how do you spend your time?
My only real deity is me, and I get to spend a lot of time with him.
Well I don't know if I've answered your questions in the manner in which you've wished. for explinations on any of these answers or follow up questions send mail to .
And for all my readers, beware the trechary of government agencies. they are every where, watching.....