Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Interesting dream this morning.  I dreamed I was playing this game I used to play when I was younger, which we titled guns.
Everyone loaded up with a bunch of toy guns, then ran around in the woods and pretended to shoot at each other.  If some one got you, you had to count to ten.  If they tagged you before you got to ten then you were dead, if not ten it was only a glazing shot and you were still in the game.

Strangly I was still me and of the age I am now.  I was playing the game with people fro work and other people I know IRL.  But we didn't have any toy guns.  I remember shooting and tagging a lot of people.  It was also weird because instead of playing in the woods, we were in a big crowd of people playing. 
I ended up chaseing down this hot and I mean hot asian chick who works in the next hall over from me.  She ran and dodged well but I finally for her when she fell and made the tag.
She was the last one left and I had won.
Here the dream takes a twist.  She hurt her ancle so I help her upand then pick her up to carry her.  Instead of one of the normal ways of carrying her I have her side to side with me and I'm holding her around the waist. 
I start to carry her and she starts to tell me how we wouldn't work out as a couple.  this is odd because I never asker her out or anything.  I cary her into this mall and begin to explain to her how we could work as a couple and she shouldn't knock it until she has tried it.  I point out things in shops and get references from people to attest to me statements.
The whole thing is just very odd and the dream ends when she finally agrees to go out with me.
Just very weird.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Well I have returned from Wisconsin.  I am currently 105$ porrer, but richer 105$ worth of cheese.
The trip was ok.  I got to meet BZ's fam, and the extended fam, and the extended extended fam.  And some people she didn't know but just decided to show up.
Her sister's wedding went well, it was a very nice and short ceremony that kept all of the important parts in it.  They had it at the Madison state capital, which was a really nice building and the good news is I didn't freak out there as I have been known to do at churchs.
The reception was also nice.  BZ's speach went well (which I wrote) except she forgot part of one of the jokes. I was nice and didn't boo or hiss.  It was an open bar for the most part but I only had a drink or two.  I'm not usually one to get plastered at weddings, unlike blue shirt gay boy and his fat friend.
BSGB decided it would be a good idea to hit on every person at the reception.  I did the conciderate thing and didn't kick his ass when he tried to "fix my tie".  Fat friend was a bowl full of yucky as well.  Especially when she stood outside partially oozing from a lose fitting button up shirt and told the story of how she had banged two differernt guys the week before, explaining that as "there are only so many times you can poke the tiger before she pounces."
I did my best no to poke any tigers for the rest of the night.

On a funnier note, we also decided to be kind (mostly due to cost) and did not acquire for the bride and cleaverly hide among the wedding gifts the 3ft 6in diameter monster latex dildo or the vibrating testical bag, though that particular product did boast "shoot like you have never shot before"  so we may have been in error not getting her that.

The next day was a BBQ.  nice weather, more family.  I got to hear some very funny stories about extended family and friends, which I would recant here if I could do them any justice.

Finally sunday rolled around and we caught the plane back home.  I did bring back cheese samples for some of you, but you'll have to swing by to pick them up.  for everyone else, go buy your own cheese.  And visit wisconsin, america's dairy land.  Thoguht that title is a bit deceiving as wisconsin seemed to support some of the smallest breast sizes I have ever seen packed in one place.  It seemed B-cup was the stopping point.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Wow readers, Today I am beat tired and half deaf.
Last night I went to a Weird Al show at the casion.  It was possibly the best show I have even been to.  He is as good in person as he is on disc.  In between the songs they played clips from AL TV or spots from his movie, or other funny stuff.  Then the next sone would start and AL would appear in a different costume.
The whole thing started out with his newest current song poka and kicked ass form there.
He did all of the big songs, Fat, Smells like Nirvana, Amish paradise, as well as a bunch of stuff off the new album and even a few songs I have never heard before.
In about the middle of the show he played a colague of clips from a bunch of his past greats, rye or the kyzer, my bologna, jurasic park, and many many more.
As the show seemed to end and he left the stage and about 1/4 of the morons in the audiance decided to bail for the quick getaway, e and my two compadres stats chanting "Yoda, Yoda!!!"
There is a tense moment then Al returns to stage in full Jedi garb.  He does "The saga begins"  And the finishes with "Yoda".
Al is one of the greatest showmen I have even seen and he really seems to love what he does.  For any that haven't seen him I suggest you go out and strap on the "Poodle hat tour".
Now I have to regain my mind and finish writing tonight's game.
Have a good weekend all.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Well I survived telling pretty much everyone yesterday. I still have to talk with one of my bosses, but I hope it will go ok.

I had some wild dreams this morning, it was like being in a movie.
I was on some sort of college campus with a lot of other people. Most of the college had been evacuated due to attacks.
Then there were these sort of beast like animals that were attacking people. Me and a few feriends were able to fight them off. Thats about when we ran into the maker of the beasts, who turned out to be this guy Rich who I used ot work with.
He did some sort of Dr. Moroe sort of magic and the beasts could then morph into dinasaurs.
I wish I could give some more details but thats about all I can remember. It would have been col to watch, high action and adventure and quite the thriller.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Dear Supervisors and Colleagues,

I am writing to inform you that I will be leaving Pfizer on August 13th 2004. I had applied for admission into graduate school at UCONN in late November. After a number of rounds of interviews and discussions with professors I was under the impression that I was on the waiting list to get in, but it was doubtful that a slot would open. I recently received a call telling me that someone had dropped out at the last minute and there was a position open. After careful consideration I decided to accept enrollment into school.
I can't begin to say how much I appreciate all I have learned here at Pfizer and all of the people that have helped me along. I don't think I would have gotten the same sort of training I received here, anywhere else or from anyone else. I know the opportunity I would have been given in Supply Chain would have been a great asset to my professional life, but I feel that the only way I can truly advance my career is to return to school and receive a higher degree of education.
In my remaining month here, I will wrap up any projects I was working on and do all I can to train Steve and Joe to operate the bio-analytical lab without me. Once I am gone I am more than willing to serve as a reference for them or anyone else who has bio-analytical questions. Also if my schedule permits it, I would be willing to come in as a consultant to ensure the lab becomes fully operational.
I will miss all of my friends and co-workers here. My time at Pfizer has been one of the most educational and enriching times of my life. I wish you all the best and perhaps we will be able to work together some time in the future.

Ryan T. Kitchel

Well this went out today. right now I'm so nervous I'm visably shaking and near regurgitating status. It had to be done and was the last big step of Pfizer life. No turning back now, its of to be a poor grad student for the next 4 or so years.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Well last night was another one of many vivid dreams. I think I woke up many times durring the night so that I could see them all. Unfortuantly right now I don't remember much about any of them except there was one dealing with drug dealers and half nakid chicks.

Saturday was a day of mild excitment.
I woke up to the eluring smell of fried dough. I remembered that it was sail fest and that I should make a trip down to town to check it out.
By 8:00pm and a long day of moderate depression and failed attempts at starting a new story I had finally worked up the energy to go.
From my house I made my way down the big hill. people covered almost all possible areas worth sitting. Its been some time since I have been in a monster crowd like that. to absorb that much energy is almost over whelming.
I'm still shocked by the outfits many people feel the need to wear out. My first big pass was a girl in a black tube top sort of deal and white pants that were see through enough to note the bright green string thong she wore underneath. from there it was an assundry of low cut tops and sagging breasts, pre-teens and X-small check out my nubs shirts, and a mass of others. Its kind of funny being in a sea of minds like that. To realize that most people on this planet hate them selves, or think little to noghting of them selves, that they need to show of what minor ordinances they have to make up for their self imposed devalue of personal beauty. I do have an obcession with depression and unfortunatly it clings to me like a sticky note. By the time I had made my way through the moronic masses I found I no longer really wanted a deep fried treat.
Well it took me a few minuites of waiting in line to get passed that and 3$ later I was holding powered sugar covered artery clogger. Standing by the docks watching the infinate lines go past I to felt the twinge of despaire when I realized most of the attractive women seemingly sizing me up were more interested in my fried treat than anything else I might have to offer.

It was at that point I began the trek back home. Fireworks started as I began to go and my departure was greatly celebrated in a showering display of pipoints of light.

Monday, July 12, 2004

I woke up to a grand vision this morning. Stangly enough I had a dream about the new battle star galactica, but it was better than the actual show.
First off we didn't realy talk about the cylons much, they were still big silver toaster oven robots, not stupid human androids.
Second we didn't really do much flying: in fact, I don't even remember seeing a colonial viper anywhere. There was some cool sneaking around sort of cloak and dagger stuff.
Third: None of the lameoid male characters were there.
Fourth: the female characters got nakid a lot and preformed wild sex acts on each other, which I was able to watch and from time to time participate in.
Fifth: I guess it wasn't really that much about the new BSG and was more like a big lesbian + me orgie, but let me tel you it was sooooo much better than the actual show.
They should really hire me to write a few epps.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

why I hate the french: part one

First off I don't actually hate the french, nor do I know that many of them so there will be few updates to this section, but today needs one.

Yesterday BZ and I took a quick trip to best buy to get new batteries for our computers. We bought them about a year ago and the batteries have been losing charge fast lately. We did buy the service plan so as we were told, all we had to do was come in tell they the batery is losing charge and we would get new batteries.
Enter counter worker Sergentio, AKA frenchy

First off we had to wait for about 10 minuites before anyone spoke to us. When some one finally did we get frenchy.
His accent is so thing I can barly make out what he is saying and I took 3 years of french.
Next, he tells us he has to check the computers to see how fast they lose charge.
He turns them on then sits there watching for the battery to go down. All the while yabbering on about some thing or other. Then he sends us down to talk to the customer service rep so she can pull up our info. Apparently he can't just punch in the serial number he needs us to go get copies of all of our info, idiot.

We go and do it. We get back, frenchie starts giving me some crap about how my computer dosen't seem to be losing power very fast. I say well yeah if you just let it sit there it dosen't lose any power at all. He starts to move the mouse and the power just drains.
Then he starts trying to explain to me that the longer you use your batery the shorter the power life of it is. I say well yeah thats why I'm here to get a replacement. He explains it again to me. At this point it was taking some effort not to slap the shit out of him. Don't forget about the damn accent. He begins to explain it to me a third time. This time I'm almost shouting, Yes I understand they get less storage power over time, thats why I bought the damn warrente. He gives me the ok, then goes back to trying to get BZ's comp to lose power while I go sort through the dvds.
20 minuites later he gives her to ok and we're out of there.

Today at about 8 AM I get a call, its frenchy. Apparently he does need the serial number of the computers. What ever paperwork he had us pull up wasn't enough and without the number he can't order the battery. I'm able to find the one on mine, but BZ took her's and she's on the way to seatle. Just great.

Damn french.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Well faithful readers, my cleaver plans have been foiled.
After a long night of gaming, I was must to tired to make it to the gym and track down the lover of the boob free lifestyle. Well there is always next time.

Let me just say for the record how much I hate certain puzzels. Crappy messages in cheap code. Stupid numberic puzzles. Those which comes next crank hole butt benders.
I'm almost concidering removing them from where placed, but I promised a good theivy adventure.

I also did manage to make it through last night without killing my gnome loving nemesis. As much as I like the though of killing off fellow players when it comes down to it, it always seems kind of like cheating to me.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Note to the world:
If some day while wondering as you always do, you find your self thnking, 'I should get one of those snazzy plaques for my license plate. But which one really suits me?'
If by some chance you decide the defining phrase of your life is
"I'd rather be Topless"
There are a few things you should concider first.
1. Do you really look that good topless?
a. Are you an A cup? and No miss that paded bra dosen't count.
b. Are your larger than average breasts in good shape? no sagging, streatc hmarks, surgery scars
To diverge for a second when I was on spring break, a few years back We were at this club where some well build chick was doing a little dance if you know what I mean. She had this huge scar of a line accross the top of each boob, now come on who was the moron doctor that though that would be the best place to cut?

2. Are you ready to really accept the toples life style?
a. Flashing all those who ask
b. the intense critique that goes along with parading around half nakid
c. never having to worry if you have a matching bra

Going topless is like wearing spandex, its a privilage and a responsibility, not a natural right.

Tomorrow I will find out who owns that white miata and put them to the test.

I really hope its a chick :(

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Note to self: When doing an Ab workout, using a medicine ball, make sure your partner can throw the ball well.
Note to self: (follow up) When doing an Ab workout ising a medicine ball, catch with your hands not your groin.

Well this has been a decent day so far. Good workout at the gym this AM, lots of hotties all shapes and sizes.
The weekend was a complete waste. I didn't get up the fence I wanted to, but I did finish balder's gate on medium. Have to work up some new characters for the extreme mode, because the ones we currently have are way too powerful.

This week both peole who are supposed to be my supervisor are out on vacation so it looks like it will be a fun week.

Lots of dreams last night, don't remember details, but they kept waking me up. I have a feeling the darkness within is trying to find a way out.

Note to self: don't try to write erotica when you are tired sweaty and bored. How you feel translates into what you write.

I did not finish the story I was working on friday. Maybe today or tomorow, hopefully. You can't rush these things some times.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Note to self:
Make sure you aren't writing erotica, when your boss's boss comes in to talk to you.

Survived, with some quick flicks of the wrist, but it was a little nerve wracking.

The last few weeks really have taught me a lot about keeping a good poker face:)