Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, July 28, 2005

One simple task, thats all I wanted. In about 10 minuites please put my plate in the incubator. And where do I find it this morning, just where I left it. Its kind of ironic, because I was thinking to myself while I was walking out yesterday how pointless it would have been for me to hang around the extra 10 minutes to wait for the bacteria to soak into the plate. I'm not going to learn anything doing it. Its not some new technique or something difficult I need to practice at. You just pick it up, invert it, and stick it in the incubator. Thats it.
Now I know what I should have stayed. Because you can't trust anyone else.

Had some more dreams last night but again forgot them. I'm going to have to start sleeping with pen and paper and write these things down. Eithor way it wasn't anything exciting. I need more stress in my life and sexual frustraition. Back then my dreams kicked ass. It was all action movies and sex. Now they are things like walking the dog. Ugh.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Well today is just clicking along. I had some odd dream this morning but I wanted to make sure I remembered it before posting. That just didn't happen.
Instead I just got done talking to NY-Kool about stuff for our D&D product. Costs are going to be higher than we figured but it should still be doable. I think I'm going to be able to play a more active role in the back end of stuff, shipping product, ect than I have been able to in the front end. He thinks we can just get someone to do all the shipping, but I have a feeling thats not going to be possible with us still making much of a profit.

In other news I say a guy in one of the labs I used to work in and he told me his wife is pregnant, which is great. I'm really happy for him and I think he will be a good father.

In other other news I saw another past lab friend at lunch. She just split with her boyfriend who she apparently caught in bed with another woman, a married woman at that. I can't say I not glad to see them split up, but the circumstances could have been better. She deserves better than him. What an idiot.

Found some nice fridges last night, but now finances are looking difficult. Isn't that how it always goes. Ugh, I need a real job or some other source of income. MAybe I'll start signing up for all of those scientific tests I always see adds up for. Who knows maybe I'll get superpowers out of the deal some how.

In lab, spores have finally appeared, harvesting now so at least I'll have something to do for the rest of the week.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Not too much to say today. Going to look into getting a new fridge/freezer. A few dreams last night, but I slept in this morning so I forgot them.
Work on the gaming Item is progressing.

Its almost 11am and I've finished all the work I can do for today. So its looking to be a very dull day.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Monday morning and feeling a bit sick again. The weekend was decent but I didn't get too much done.
Friday we gamed but things were a bit slow again because we ended up spending about an hour or so doing market research for a product we're planning to put out. The rest of the night went well. My brother came and gamed with us which was cool.
After the game we were up till a little after 2:30 still doing work on this gaming product. I think we're going to try to launch it at Gencon, which would be wild.

Sat morning I was supposed to come in and get some stuff done. Just wasn't happening after the late night. Sat day we were supposed to be going to Six flages for amgen Picnic, also didn't happen. We ended up doing more work on the product, then went out shopping for a smidge.
Thats when it started to happen.
Do you ever have those days when you know something just isn't right. Something is odd, a bit off.
You see a girl: Not bad, decent body. She stats to come closer and all of a sudden it all goes wrong. Nice boobs, not bad face...oh my lord what happened to her face.
Its hiddeous. Quick back to the boobs, but no, its to late. You know. You know.
Look away!
Look Away!
Another girl, awful too, no boobs, giant ass. Huge beach ball below racket balls A&T.

It was everywhere we went. Like some sort of henious march of the mutants. The weather gets nice and they all crowd to the mall. But not just the mall, every where. On the sides of the road. The grocery store. There was no escaping them.
Hell if life was a movie I would have had a chainsaw in one hand and a pump shotgun in the other and been screaming "All right, which one of you midievl fucks wants some, Hail to the King baby!"

Sunday was a lot of the same.
Also dinner at my parents and a game of Munchkin. I highly recmend to all.

Back to school today and al my plates from friday were contaminated so it was just as well I didn't come in. So today we begin again.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Last night was fairly relaxing..we no not really.
I was well into the horrors of Alien Lockdown, when the phone rang. It was NY Smooth, one of our gaming pals. We have been working on an idea for a gaming item, which apparently is flying past the idea stages and is almost in production stages, which is kind of news to me. Its very exciting and possible a kick start into the gaming industry. We'll see how well it sells and if we can think up a second product if it does well.

When I got done talking to him, BZ rang me up to go out to dinner. Food was good as always, illianos and pasta and chicken parm. She seems to be taking regular doses of rage-ahol so dinner and after were kind of tense.
Let the dog sleep with us so it was another semi restless night. Crazy dog just can't laydown sometimes. I should make sure to take her out and run her some this weekend.

Tonight is game night. As Always I'm super prepared, but hoping to get out of here a bit early today to flesh out some stuff.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Well I finally finished HArry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince or as I like to call it H.P. Head over heels, or H.P. 90210, or Potter's Creek.
The book did have a few twists in the plot but nothing really major. As I expected, to continue with the hollywood style sensationalism a more important character was killed. Most of the book though seemed to be concerned with love and not good love or sweet innocent child like love but crappy who's screwing who and who is jealous about it love. Well ok there was no screwing it is a kids book (or proclaimed to be) but there was a lot of making out or snogging as they like to call it. Of cource I could be wrong and snogging might be boob touching or something. If anyone out there has done a lot of snogging, let me know.
The other annoying thing about the book is Harry seems to be taking cues from Anakin skywalker in his book, "How to be a good friend and talk to adults". Its almost silly some times.

I do even with criticisms suggest this book to anyone who has been reading the series. Its much beter than order of the phoenix and in some ways is back to the style of gobblet of fire. A warning this is really not a kids book. They start to delve into some dark magic in this one and do some really bad spells. Also there are zombies.

In other news there was another attack in London. Apparently a nail bomb went off in one of the subway terminals. Man I hate terrorists. Its such bullshit. I for one will not let terror effect my life again. I have made what little peace I need and resigned myself to fate. I will not hide in my house or change my vacation plans (easy to do when you can't afford a vacation). It almost makes me want to join some sort of armed force and go after them. Unfortunatly with our present moron in cheif I'd probably just get sent as part of the subjugation force in Iraq, which is bullshit as well. Maybe its time we fight fire with fire and nuke someone. We know which countries do most of the funding to terrorists and where their base camps usually are. Lets see how well they like training in a radioactive wasteland.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Another sleepless night another semi rested day, odd.
Pushing forward with Harry Potter, should finish it in anothe night or so. No big suprises yet.

Last night I saw Constantine, with Kenu Reeves. I must say it was much better than I was expecting. It was more suspenceful then the grudge or the ring. It had cool plot twists and good effects. The only semi bad thing about it was it was hard to hear what the actors were saying at times. I give it two thumbs up.

In lab news apparently I've become contaminated. It could be my pipettemen or some tubes or something but my results from yesterday were all over the place.
Big Suckfest.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Holey wow was it hot in lab today. I was literally sweating at my bench. ITs just nuts.
Some things I learned today:

Hoard items you think you will need, if you run out its hard to do experiments.

If you want to autoclave tubes remember to take them out of the bag first.

Polystyrene dosen't belong in the autoclave.

Thats about it. Now I have to go before the smell of melted plastic overwhelms me.

As always my life seems to be one of inverse actions and consiquences. I got less sleep last night and restless sleep was what little I did get. More bad dreams, but I don't remember any of them today.

Last night I finished "Face of the Assassin" or "Face Assassin" as I like to call it. The book was pretty decent up to the end. The characters were full of interesting quirks and it made a lot of non-verbal communication. The ending I must say was a dissappointment and I'm going to give it away for all of those planning to read it.
so Number one bad guy is going to defect to US from being a terrrist and he is going to give up some big terrorist plot as payment for them getting him out of where he is safely. #1 sends his #2 out to the car. Then we have a bunch of chaos, people get killed there are double crosses on double crosses and in the end everyone is dead but hero and the girl, no big suprise. Now in all of this #2 is not mentioned as being killed or his body being found or anything, the author just sort of forgets about him, hoping the reader will too, so that its a big suprise when he turns up to harass Mr. Good guy at the very end.
Not a big suprise, sloppy writing. When there are only 2 big baddies #1 and #2 the reader and the characters aren't likely to just forget about one of them. Stuff like that really annoys me.

So I'm almost 1/2 way done with harry potter and the half blood prince.
Now this is speculation as what I'm about to say hasn't been said yet, just very heavily implied.
I beleive the 1/2 blood prince to be none other than lord Voldemort, which would make this book a really half baked plot and in a lot of ways a rehash of "the chamber of secrets". If this is the case I will be verry dissappointed. I'm hoping the Rawling has some literary talent and had concieved of a better plot line that that but it may not be in her cards. When the pressure is on, you go back to what you know:

most Potter books:
harry with Dursleys
Harry goes to Ron's house
Everyone goes to school, harry gets in trouble on the way there or soon after
There is a big mystery
Harry, Ron and Hermionie or some combination of them get into a fight
They make up and solve the puzzle
Bad guy turns out to be voldemort
harry fights him and wins.
Everyone goes home for the summer.

Now so far each mystery has been something different and has had few clues as to it, leaving the reader in as much confusion as the characters. We'll see if 1/2 blood prince can live up to this or has Rawling just run out of ideas.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Here we are at monday again. After a decent night of sleep I am more tired than I have been in days. I think that the lab sickness that has been going around has begun to catch up with me. It was a night of bad dreams as well. The one I rememebr the best is as follows:
I was at school and the dean who I really dislike was telling me that me grades from last semister just weren't good enough and that the school would no longer support me scholarship. That was about it, but it was enough to get me up in a cold sweat.

The weekend went well enough. Friday me and BZ finally went out and saw Episode III and let me just say, it was horrid. I'm just at odds of what went wrong, so I'll try to summerise.
First off they cut a lot of the dialogue that was in the book. Everything makes decent sence in the book. You get a god look at what a lot of the characters are thinking, there is a lot of talk about the different lightsaber fighting styles and a real lot of talk about completly giving yourself over to the force. Yes it still contains those unforgetable love scenes, beleive me I've tried many times to forget them, "You're beautiful (she looked hideous in this scene), thats because I love you, no its because I love you, smack, smack, kissie, kissie, bleagh!!!". There were two fight scenes in the book that totally kicked ass, first off the opening scene with Anakin and Obi-wan vs Douku and second the obi-wan Grevious fight near the end. Both were awesome and I saw a kick ass battle in my head. Both scenes went on for abolut two chapters. In the film both fights lasted less than a few minuites and were one two kill sort of scenes. Grevious was transformed from a monster of a master enemy to a emphacimatic clown in the film. I'm very upset I bought the figure now.
I think a lot of the film's problems came from edditing and directing. Ewan is a good actor, but many of his lines were delivered very baddly in the film. I could remember thinking, 'this can't be the best take they did.' Some how each one made it into the film though.
Ok I can't stand to talk about this any more. Star Wars is pretty much ruined at this point. I just hope they don't alter the middle movies anymore.

Saturday I was supposed to go and do some filming, but the weather conditions weren't right for it. Also there were some communication problems. Sat night I did get to go out bowling, which was fun. I was throwing really baddly, but it was ok. After 4ish games we kicked off to hooters and let me say yikes. Hooters is known for two things, waitresses with hot bods and big boobd, and good wings. We got a waitress with a mediocre bod, large A cup boobs, and a below average inteligance. LEt me put it this way, when god was handing out brains she probably asked for A cups instead because an A is the best you can get. That was funnier in my head, but I'm sick so you can deal. Seriously though the service went something like this,
"Can I take your order."
"yes we'll have pitchers of two kinds of beer, a plate of wings and a plate of bufflo shrimp, both medium."
(10 minuites pass)
"Ok here is your beer, I'll be right back with glasses"
(10 minuites pass)
"Ok here are your glases, so were you guys just going to drink tonight or did you want food too?"
me, "Yes we wanted food, the food we ordered."
her, dumb look, 'jeopardy theme song plays in background', just as it finishes "Oh yeah now I remember."
(10 minuites later) 1 plate wings, 1 plate shrimp show up both are just fried, no hot sauce.
"Uh we had 2 orders of shrimp"
more jeopardy music and a blank look, "Oh ok did you want them the same amount of spice."
we order some hotter ones.
us, "Oh and its this guys birthday."
her "Oh well they we'll have a special treat for him."
(30 minuites pass) me and BZ leave, still not sure if Vin got his special treat. I hope it was her forgetting to bring the table the check.

Oh and the wings we got were almost uneadible. Bland and paste like.

Sunday was a day of relaxing, which as seen from my first paragraph was kind of a waste.

In other news the new harry potter book came out and I forgot to get dressed up and hit one of the release parties. I've started reading it and will have a review when I'm done.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Finally pulling it together. Got some bills paid and a weekend semi planned. I'm supposed to do some filming this weekend with Bowling as back-up or maybe just night planns. Should be a fun time.
I'm starting to think more about writing again. It seems like I just have so little time for it lately. I can often barly keep up with the OL-RPGs I'm in. But this is something I do want to do. I think I'm going to try to set aside some time this weekend to put the pen to paper so to speak.
Not too much else new. Lab has been busy, still no tunes. I may have to kick it IPOD style for a bit to liven myself up.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

After another night of less sleep somehow I am more awake. Its always odd that way. I must be sleeping very lightly lately, because I've been having all sorts of dreams.
Most unfortunatly I haven't been able to remember.
I had one a few nights ago where I was working at Pfizer again, but I was about to get fired. Perhapse I was looking into a parellel time stream where I never left PFE. I'm still pretty sure it was for the best. It really looks like they are going to run it into the ground.

Most of my dreams seem to be about some sort of verbal conflicts and are not full of their usual sex and violence (usually not together). I wish I could remember more about them. I'm pretty sure I don't have prophetic dreams, though I do think I often seen into other dimensions and alternate realities. The dreams feel very real, but they don't usually come true. I wonder if parellel me has the same dreams only about my reality. I used to do a lot of universe jumping when I was tapped into magic. Maybe I quit jumping at the wrong one and I'm out of place now.

So far today has gone fairly smoothly. Tests seem to be working out. Bugs are growing and I'm one of the few people in the lab who has not yet caught the nasty cold which seems to be going around.

I watched part of a Penn and Teller's Bullshit last night on Ghosthunting. Even though its all fake I think I'm going to try to organize a Ghost hunting expidition for some time around halloween if anyone wants to go. I'll get some equipment and it should be cool and creepy wether we find any evidence of the supernatural or not.

I've started to read (listen to) "The face assassin" so far its decent, but the tapes suck and keep jamming up in my tape deck. I can't give too much explaination of what it is about just yet, but will as soon as I understand it all. It seems to be a sort of murder mystery spy novel, with a lot of interesting characters.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Question: How do you know when you're not getting enough or quality sleep?
1. You wake up to an annoying buzzing sound, which stops before you can reach out and slap off the alarm. You open your eyes and realize the sound wasn't the alarm, but the bumpy strip they put in on the side of the road to wake up sleepy drivers. Big Yikes!!

2. You swing in for a morning bathroom break and find you can't find the hole in your boxers. It takes you a moment before you realize you put your under wear on backward and are only now realizing.


4. more to follow as the day progresses.

The weekend was nice but busy. Friday was game night and due to a large amount of side conversations we didn't get very far, but it was a good time as always.
Saturday I should have come in but just couldn't force meself to. Ended up sleeping most of the day away. Went down to Sailfest sat night and saw the fireworks display. It was awesome.
Sunday BZ's fam came down. We tried for some disc golf, but due to heat and bugs we gave up quickly. Then it was off to the beach. I need at least one beach trip a year to remind me how much I hate the beach. So after about a miserable hour of that we took off and went up to the casino to hit the buffet. I filled up on food then emptied 20$ into the slot machines, but at least I was winning for a while.

Monday I ended up taking off. I really just needed a day. Got some new minis at the Citidel. We also put in a new shelf in the entrance room and organized it a bit so its now managable.

Came in finally today, to find my plates over grown so I have to repeat one of friday's experiments, which is ok. Not too much exciting planned for this week, but I think we are going to do some filming this weekend and try to get the Disc Golf film started. I still need a title for it and some sort of script. I was thinking "The Ultimate Drive" for the title, but its still up for grabs if anyone has a sugestion I could use some.

Friday, July 08, 2005

It seems like I hardly get a chance to post anymore or maybe its just that there isn't too much new and exciting going on.
I've had some requests for me to do some book reviews. Unfortunatly I haven't had much time to read as of late. I've read some more D&D source books, but apparently they fall into the category of games.

The last book I read was "The unifying force" which was the last book in the New Jedi Order series of starwars books. I was pleasently pleased with it. After so many of the NJO books left much to be desired and seemed to run the star trek way of things, meaning they portraied some big unstopable bad guy, who is then miracariously becomes weaker so the good guys can beat him in the end. Unifying force brought in a lot of characters where were more or less left out of the rest of the series and didn't do a butcher's job on them. The writing style was nice and flowing and I liked the end.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Another tres exciting day of making media and spinning down cells. Ugh. I'm not so good with work that is slow, but time consuming. Its all a lot of 5-10 minuite steps, where there really isn't time to do anything inbetween each one and at the same time you aren't constantly busy. Also there is a lot of waiting in this lab, waiting for bugs to grow, waiting for them to make spores, waiting for all the cells to lyse. Its just a lot of dull.

I need to start doing something new as I seem to be overwhelmed by the big D lately. Its just a lot of sitting and thinking and pouting. I hate being like this. I need to get up and get busy and stay active, but not much seems to help. Its times like this that I begin to wonder, wonder how much time is left, time before I cease to be. I have a feeling this is how I will go. I'll just wake up one day and be unable to get up, unable to function, and after some time like that I'll just forget who I am and truly just be nothing.

I shouldn't think so much.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I barely made it in today after a long but fun (some of it) weekend. I almost passed out a number of times on the drive from NL which was very not good. Last night was filled with nightmares of various sorts which kept me from getting any sort of decent rest.
But lets back track a bit.
Friday ended late. I didn't get out of lab until 7ish, which sucked and got home even later. I can't even really say what went on when I did get home as it all seems like a blur now.
Saturday I came in for what I though was going to be some quick plate counts (counting the number of bacteria colonies which appear on an agar plate) and starting a new culture. Instead, the bacteria weren't grown up enough so I spent most of the day waiting for that to happen and my new culture didn't get done as I had left the plate for it out on the bench top, these things grow best at 37C. This meant I would have to come back in sunday. So I got out of here around 1ish, then my tire blew out flying down Rt. 9 on the way back home, so I had to pull off half on an on ramp and put on the spare. What a pain in the ass. The spare got me back to the mall and 3hours and 300$ later I had some new tires. This eft just enough time to go to dinner with BZ and her bro and sis, who were down. Got home and all finished around 8 or 9, played some magic and passed out.

Sunday, got up at 8 something to drive BZ's Bro to church. She likes to sleep in and fained ignorance as to where the church was, not like I have any real clue. Picked him up when he was done and then we rallied some troups and were off to manchester to Wickham park for multiple hours of frisbee golf. It was fun as always and a lot of excercise which I need. Kicked into lab for a bit when we were done and got my cultures started. Then we headed home and did some grilling. The night rounded off with a few more games of magic and crashing down in bed.

Monday, we drove Bro back up to Worster MAss and dropped him off with the Sis, then pluckered back to the house. Did some grilling with my fam and crashed down again.

So my big relaxing 3 day weekend was more of 2-3hours of relaxing and a lot of go go go time.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Well I've just about survived a week in the new lab. Its not too difficult, but the work is very time consuming. I was there until 9 last night and it looks like I'm going to have to come in on saturday, which sucks. No 3 day weekend for me, but at least it should be a 2 day weekend.

Not much else to report on last night. My headache finally went away and I hate sleeping at my appartment. I'm deffinatly going to have to try to get out of this contract. Its such a waste.
Have a good weekend all.