Friday's game went pretty well, but now my PCs seem to have gotten a proverbial "hard on" to lay in some payback to a party spy. So this means it will be another week or two before we get back on mission and there is a good chance it will be much longer than that.
Saturday started off nice and relaxed. DEcent nights sleep to a nice lazy breakfast. Kol spent the night after the game so as he wouldn't have to drive back to NYC at midnight. SO I took him over to his Ct home to grab his car. Mysteriously it wasn't there. He thinks for a bit and decideds its probably at the train station in westbrook. So me and BZ saddle up and drive him out there. We first stop at Old Saybrook station to see if it is there, which he has now decided it probably is. We circle the lot, no car. He runs in to ask them if its been towed or anything like that. 30 minuites later he comes back. No tow, they have records of that sort of thing so they know it wasn't ticketed or towed. We continue on to westbrook. Kol decides he has never been to the westbrook station. There are some calls made back and forth to his girlfriend, who drove back with him last time. Neithor can figure out where they left the car. She thinks it might be another station but he is pretty sure it isn't. There is an off chance it was back at his house and he just missed it, so we drive all the way back there and drop him off. No car.
We head home. About an hour or so later I get a call from Kol. He has found the car. Apparently it was droped off at an autorepair place and he forgot.
We have just enough time to have a short sit. Then its out to eat with BZ's sister. and that ends saturday.
Sunday it was another beautiful day so we kick it out with my sister and her man to get in a game of frizbee golf. 18 holes, a smidge of rain, lightning and thunder and we're back in the car heading home. We get pizza and some shoping in and hit the sack exhausted.
Monday was a picnic at my parents place. We purchases a lawn mower before that at Sears and get the run around of wether they have the model we purchased in stock or not. It turns out they do. Picnic was nice. We got in a game of starwars miniatures game, which is very cool. Get home and its another night of droping off to sleep, with little energy for much else.
I'm still beat today and this si going to be a short week. We have a Minnesota wedding to kick off to on friday so no work then. Of cource this is now crunch time where I need to rap everything up before my talk in two weeks. Oh well, better get started