Last night had some odd factors in it, besides the lack of signifigant studying.
As I was about to go up to bed and decided to take doggie out for one last walk of the night. So I leashed her up and out we went. As I stodd on my front lawn waiting for the little missy to do her business I notice two old nasty broads in the street. doggie notices as well and lets out a bark. One of the ladies sees me and calls out, "Bill come over here." Doggie barks again.
I call back, "I'm not bill."
Nasty ladie, "Bill you've got to see this. Its not going to happen again for another 7 years."
Freeze frame:
In order for you to truly understand the stuation you need to be privy to a couple of details.
Bill is my tenant. He's about 40 years older than me, shorter, much fatter, he allso dosen't have a dog. In order to mistake me for him you would have to be drunk, very very drunk. Now from where I'm standind I can see this broad is wearing some sort of overcoat and is holding it closed with her arms as if ready to open up and give the world a peeksie at something that shouldn't be seen ever, let alone every 7 years.
Time in:
Doggie continues to bark.
At this point Bill finally comes out. And Drunkie and her friend start gooing "Oh there you are. The Eclipes is really going, you can really see it."
Very thankful that she was talking about an eclipse, I decide to walk down along the road so I can get a better view. Needless to say the moon was full, totally unblocked by annything, no eclipse.
What else I noticed was the biker boys from next door were walking back home. They see me as well and make a B-line.
Now when I say bikers, I'm talking bicycles, with white shirt, black tie, jacket, with finly done name tags that say Elder so and so on them.
They introduce themselves, ask me what I do. I tell them. We chat for a bit bout Pfizer and drugs and dogs. then I ask them what thhey do.
"Oh," They say, "We spread the word of Jesus christ."
Now this comes as no shock to me. "Ah, Does it pay well?" I respond.
"We're doing this off of our savings." I am told, followed by, "Its not just Jesus we talk about but a very special sect. Have you ever heard of The book of mormon."
At this point I have a decision to make, for I have heard of the book of mormon and know quite a bit about certain inconsisiencies in it and a lot of the idiotic things they beleive and a lot of idiotic things they used to beleive and now pretend it was never a practice among them. fortunatly for these two I was feeling in a good mood.
I say I had a few mormon friends. They ask if I would like to gettogether with them and talk more about it. I tell them I fall on the other side of things and am an Atheist.
Here coes the big pitch....
"So" one begins, "you're a microbiologist (now I told them I'm a molecular biologist, but we'll let this sllide), I had a friend who was a molecular biologist." He pauses as if searching for a name. I'm sure it was one of these classical microbiologists some irrefutable name, too bad he couldn't remember. "He once said, that when you look under a microscope and see all there is there, its hard not to see god." I'm certain he screwed up this qote as well. "Do you ever see anything like that."
I respond, "Everything I've seen can be explained by nature in one way or another. You know what the great thing about seeing god is." I pause for a moment, "you can see god anywhere you want. Wether its some thing which you don't really understand like science or something simple like making toast. You know you put the bread in and push the button and toast pops up. Where does the toast coe from? did god change it?"
They seem a bit dumbfounded at this and quickly switch the subjest to how cool my dog is. A few moments later they head back to their place in defeat. Hoody Hoo!!
I should have told them to come by and let them now all about mormanism. It would have been a blast. Maybe soe other day.