This in some ways follows comments made earlier, but in all ways of easy connection, dosen't. As a warning this si going to be very scattered.
People are fools. This is no news. We all have acted like on at some time or another and we all know people who are them on a more or less constant basis. What few of us do is anything about it.
Some people wonder why the divorce rate is so high in this country, somewhere around 50%. A friend of mine tried to make a corelation with the decline of religion (which is false more people than ever are claiming to be religious). So he was of cource wrong.
The divorce rate is due to the stupidity of people.
We have ingrained in us from when we were very young that there is one special person for everyone on this planet. When two special people get together they get married and live happily ever after. Bull shit!
Then we hit the dating years and a lot of shit happens. Relationships are always bad, the hot guy or girl is always a jerk, so we rethink our deffinations of what a relationship is.
A relationship is now work, its not perfect, and a bunch of other baloney. It takes compromise and cooperation.
This is where it really starts. So now people settle. They find someone who they can deal with, or some one they have been with for some time, and they decide to stick it out thinking it will get better. It never gets better. The problems you have today will be problems forever and they will only seem to compound with time. If he is a controlling jerk with a low self esteme, thats not going to change because you put a ring on his finger.
Then it happens. One day you wake up and decide you can't take it any more and its divorce city.
Let me be the first one to say this in a long time.
Relationships are not work.
They are perfect in all ways that count.
Compromising is for suckers.
Don't settle for less.
Don't fall into the fear of never finding someone else.
I still beleive in the Mr/Mrs. right. Don't stop searching until you find them.
Don't let the suckers pull you in.
I think that made even less sence that it was orgionally supposed to. I just can't formulate concise thoughts today.