So here we are at glorious Tuesday and apparently my issue of challenge has attracted the attention of trolls, who apparently don't understand how to push the send comment button just once. So what do we have to decipher today.....
Comment 1
"Pretty big post, yet not unbelievably stupid, for someone who spends his time writing about nothing other than D and D and doesn't know how to spell waffle."
This is in some ways difficult to understand. Apparently the poster relates long posts with stupidity, which after reading my other commentary’s blog I guess I can understand, but there are a lot of long blogs which are full of decent insight.
As to the source of my blog material, there is a lot more there than just D&D. You might want to try reading. There is a lot of content here and only a fraction of it has to do with D&D.
As to the spelling of waffle, I realize it is misspelled. It is spelled as in the brand name Waf-Full, which is an eggo product of waffles stuffed full of some sort of fruit jelly ect. I altered the spelling slightly as to not violate trade name laws.
So in conclusion, commenter 1, who has cleverly disguised their identity by posting anonymously, has added nothing and seems satisfied with petty insults against gamers and people with learning disabilities.
On to
Comment 2 written by Don Huwwan
"Well, well. What an impressive post. You're a so called "man" who threatens girls. What's next? Are you going to threaten little kids in wheel chairs? You don't live larger than life. You live in a small fantasy world where the biggest issue is how many figures you've painted, and where obviously people can't spell. You say nobody wants to bring it to you. Think again. You talk about courage, why don't you come see me sometime."
This could take some time to dissect.
First off where did I threaten anyone? I issued a challenge to people who felt the need to talk about me behind my back. I believe the old saying goes "Don't let your mouth write checks your ass can't cash." If you aren't a big enough person to stand up for yourself or take a little heat, you shouldn't go flaming people.
Secondly, I back tracked Mr. Huwwan to his blog and apparently he is the fiancée of the woman who was talking trash about me. Let me reiterate the word woman, as in adult, as in not some girl. You may think of your wife as helpless, but I'm fairly certain she is far from that. I have only met her once, but she is much more capable than some kid in a wheelchair and in my opinion doesn’t need some ravishing redneck in flannel armor to come to her rescue. I can see that you have this Al Qaeda world image, where woman are around to be barefoot in the kitchen popping out babies and are incapable of anything else, but I'm sorry this is not the case. I could go one, but we have more points to cover.
Third, I do live larger than life. This is exemplified by you coming to read about my life, even with your limited reading skills, you have found the need to come and see what I am up to. I have seen things you can't even dream about, done what is beyond your imagination (though that probably isn't saying much), and some day I will put it all into a book. You will probably but the book and make an attempt to read it, so I'll add in illustrations to help you out. When you're done you'll say to your self, "That couldn't have been real." I assure you it all was.
Fourth, I live in a very large fantasy world. Try to read my entire blog for more info.
Fifth, Figure painting is an accomplishment, not a problem. Again try reading.
Sixth, Yes we're back to spelling. I don't spell check my posts and I have learning disabilities. Its nothing I am embarrassed about. Although if you cited a specific example, I may have been able to explain it, see wafful explanation above.
Seventh, Obviously you don't want to "bring it". You see, the coward response to a challenge is to respond with his own challenge. I don't have an issue with you, so I could care less about "coming to see you". You, on the other hand seem to have found issue with me. So the correct manly response would be something to the tune of "Where can I find you?" This brings us back to reading, see the header in my blog.
If you really feel the need to fly out to Connecticut to get your ass kicked, I can accommodate you. I would suggest though that you fly here after the wedding, because I would hate to hear again and again how bad your wedding pictures were with the broken nose and your jaw wired shut.
For all my regular readers I should have a normal post up soon and I'll try not to take up too much time responding to trolls.